Sunday, June 24, 2012

Looks Can Be Deceiving

I've been saving up some random quick thoughts to post about and here's the first of them.

So, first I wanted to talk about an awesome website I came across while surfing the net. The site is called Mighty Optical Illusions and can be found here: The article I opened to was about the realistic wall paintings oDavid Jon Kassan and can be found here. If you ever have time to do so, take a look around the site by simply clicking "Random Illusion" on the menu bar. This stuff is mind-boggling!


Another artist, Edgar Mueller, practices the art of Street Painting. His work is pictured below. 

Why am I talking about this? I'm glad you asked! These wall paintings reminded me of some of the 3D illusion paintings I saw in the churches of Italy and in the Vatican Museums.  

I really wish I had a camera that allowed me to record voice memos or type captions as pictures were taken because I don't remember what this painting was called. I know it was right before we saw Raphael's The School of Athens. The statues that appear to be holding the painting above are actually a part of the painting themselves. I had to do a double take when we walked into this room; I really thought they were 3 dimensional statues at first glance. If this will help to identify (for art lovers), these statues were painted below this image.

I would put up more example pictures, but it's hard for me to tell which ones actually are 3D and which are painted illusions. Some of them are that good! I am in awe of the talent these artists have for making things look extremely realistic. I had enough trouble with a simple point perspective drawing!

This amazing ability to make art come to life reminded me of the task of artists to bridge the gap between God and his human family. Just as the painting techniques make the subjects of the painting appear to be real, artists can make God's presence known. The simple fact that people can paint in this manner and with such accuracy and precision is reason enough for me to think a divine spark has to be at work! 

Just for fun, here's a little reversal of the 2D-3D works! This looks like a painting...

Alexa Meade

but it's actually a real person with her body painted!

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More short blurbs and random thoughts to follow!

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