Monday, July 2, 2012

It's a Small World After All

As I was researching the life and Work of Simone Weil, I found out that she spent some time in Assisi in 1937. It was in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli (in the Portiuncula to be exact) that Weil had one of three important spiritual encounters that eventually led to her conversion to Christianity. It is so cool to think that I have walked where these important historical figures walked in their lifetimes. It is amazing how a place can unite you with the people that came before you, great and small. Having been to a place and walked there provides a whole new dimension to imagination. Now when I read or hear about Assisi, I can picture the people in these places.

Photo I took of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi 
And, just for's a another picture from the Basilica of the doves hanging out with St. Francis!

I couldn't believe those were real birds at first!

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